Meg started right where you are. So stuck in an endless cycle of dieting and binging, feeling so out of control around food. After many attempts at treatment and therapy, her own journey to recovery looked a little different than many of the other approaches. Now, after many years of a fuller, freer, healthier relationship with food and her body, she has taken those same techniques and tools to help other women become success stories when it comes to rebuilding their relationships with food and their bodies - effortlessly.
Visit Meg's website and connect on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- Meg’s experience with ED
- The double diagnosis
- Working with family
- Coming to recovery
Meg’s experience with ED
Meg was a dancer at a young age, and at her dance studio when she was 11 one of the students passed away due to health complications that she suffered because of her anorexia. As any child would, Meg asked her parents what anorexia was to try to understand the situation.They were like, “Oh, it’s when you think you are fat so you don’t eat” … and I was like, “That’s ridiculous, why would anybody not eat? I don’t get that, I love eating!” and then six months later I was diagnosed. (Meg Henkenhaf)Meg’s parents recognized the signs of disordered eating in her and took her to a children’s hospital before she even realized what was happening.
I didn’t count calories. I didn’t know what a calorie was at 11 years old but I just started to eat less and less … I grew afraid of eating. (Meg Henkenhaf)She wasn’t actively aware of what she was doing. There wasn’t a diet she was on and she wasn’t counting any numbers, but a steady fear of food started to set in and that developed into anorexia.
The double diagnosis
Meg had her first treatment stint at the children’s hospital when she was 13 which was when she was also diagnosed with diabetes.When I was discharged, I was so terrified of my blood sugars going out of control that I literally ate the same thing every day for every meal for about five years … it wasn’t until I was about 18 that things started to get rocky again. (Meg Henkenhaf)She had to reenter treatment but this time into the adult system where she was in and out of treatment until she was 26. She became so obsessed with trying to stabilize her blood sugars that she never ate anything different, and if she did, she would have a panic attack because she didn’t know what would happen.
It was hard. You know what, it was [a] lack of education … I wasn’t really taught how to take care of my diabetes beyond, “You take this number of units of insulin and this is how you inject yourself and here’s how you check your blood sugars” … I didn’t receive any other education on how to feed myself. (Meg Henkenhaf)When Meg started insulin therapy, she began to gain weight – which is a normal process. Within a month, nearly two, she was sent home but her mental health was still spiraling.
Working with family
There wasn’t much understanding in Meg’s home about how the words and experiences from her childhood impacted her. Even though her family tried to understand, the ED world can be very divisive and antagonizing when people cannot understand how or why someone harms their body in that way.I think that’s where a lot of their anger and frustration came from, is [that] they were watching me essentially kill myself and there was nothing they could do about it and [so] the family meetings were very hard. (Meg Henkenhaf)At that time, Meg felt so close to her ED. It was difficult for her to separate herself from the eating disorder, and so in those moments when her family pushed back against having to see her struggle, she felt like they were personally pushing her away.
It’s not until now as a recovered person that I can really recognize that they were going through it too. They were going through a lot and they were just protecting themselves. (Meg Henkenhaf)
Coming to recovery
At a point in Meg’s twenties, she collapsed in her apartment and her partner dashed her to the hospital. She had so much acid in her body. The hospital had called Meg’s parents for them to go say goodbye to her because they thought that she wouldn’t make it.[ED] is not a pretty life. It’s not a glamorous life. It’s painful and scary and I missed out on my entire twenties because of it. (Meg Henkenhaf)Meg knew that she had to start making a change. At first, she felt a lot of resentment and resistance to treatment due to the ED. Later on in her recovery journey, Meg came to realize that the reason she struggled so much with recovery is that she felt like she had no self-worth.
It really goes to show that it was never about the way I looked. (Meg Henkenhaf)Over the next years, Meg came to full recovery. It took genuine effort and intention, but it came to be. She used intuitive eating to really hit that last milestone of connecting with her body and emotions, to change how she looked at food, and change her life for the better.
- Visit Meg's website and connect on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
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